Polling usage

How to use the polling pattern.

The polling API is an alternative for the webhook API. The pro's and cons are explained in:

pageWebhook versus polling

This page explains the polling pattern usage, which consists of 3 steps:

  1. Fetch the orders or shipments which are changed after last time.

  2. Process the fetched, either new or updated, orders or shipments.

  3. Persist the latest data.lastUpdatedAt.

Step 1. Fetch updated orders or shipments periodically

Every polling period, fetch all orders or shipments which are new or changed after last time. A polling period is typically 5 minutes.

  • Use the latest data.lastUpdatedAt from previous poll request in the lastUpdatedAfter filter.

  • Sorting is set to data.lastUpdatedAt (asc) by default when the lastUpdatedAfter filter is applied. The last updated order or shipment will be ordered last in the response body.

  • Set limit to the maximum of 100 orders or shipments.

  • If the response body contains a total of more than 100, it means that not all recently updated orders or shipments were returned. You can either:

    • Decrease the polling period (advised)

    • Use offset for paging, to receive the next 100 orders or shipments.

Use the Poll orders endpoint for polling orders.

Use the Poll shipments endpoint for polling shipments.

Step 2. Process the orders or shipments in the search response body

Process the fetched new or updated orders or shipments.

You may receive any order or shipment change, including echoed changes from your ERP system. How to handle your own open request is explained in Polling echo.

When using the Poll orders endpoint:

  • Optionally use the data.lines.lastUpdatedAt field to filter the order lines that have been changed: Only consider lines where lines.lastUpdatedAt is after the lastUpdatedAfter filter value.

  • Optionally use the data.lines.status fields to filter the order lines on processStatus, inProgressStatus, logisticsStatus and deliveryLineStatus fields.

When using the Poll shipments endpoint:

  • Optionally use the data.lines.meta.lastUpdatedAt to filter the shipment lines that have been changed.

  • Optionally use the data.status field to filter on shipment process and logistics status sub fields.

Step 3. Persist the lastUpdatedAt for the next polling request

Persist the latest (in the last order or shipment in the response body) lastUpdatedAt to be used as lastUpdatedAfter in the next polling request.

  • lastUpdatedAt has type String with format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ, but to keep it simple just store it as a String.

  • The latest lastUpdatedAt should be stored persistent. When your integration is restarted or crashes, lastUpdatedAt should still be available.

  • If there is no data in the response body, use the same lastUpdatedAfter again in the next polling request.

  • In the very first polling request, set the lastUpdatedAfter to a date in the past from which you want to receive existing orders or shipments.

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